As from 2021
Tutor: Margaret Bowater, MA, TSTA, MNZAP, MNZAC,
Past-President, now Secretary, Dream Network Aotearoa-NZ (www.dreamnetwork.org.nz),
NZ Contact Person for the International Association for the Study of Dreams.
All dream seminars and workshops may be counted towards my Certificate in Applied Dreamwork, originally endorsed by the Human Development and Training Institute of NZ, now administered directly by Margaret. Part one is designed to provide basic knowledge and skills for working with pastoral clients and small groups. Enrol with Margaret on mandebowater@gmail.com or phone (09) 482 0250
This Certificate has now been divided into two Parts, each Part entitled to its own Certificate
Part one of the Dreamwork Certificate consists of
- Attend the seminars as listed, including the 3 practicial 202 workshops;
- Read at least one book from the Recommended Reading List, and write a half-page review of what you learned from it;
- Keep a dream journal of your own dreams, and write a half-page reflection on what you gained from this.
Part Two of the Dream Certificate builds on the foundation of Part One, aiming to equip you for more in-depth work with clients and small groups. Keep a careful record of all dream events attended.
- Create a peer-group of 3-4 who meet monthly for 2-3 hours to practise skills and give each other feedback, for at least 6 sessions. Keep a record of dates.
- Attend at least two events run by the Dream Network A-NZ eg a Conference, mini-Conference or Dream Retreat. This could include attending the monthly Advanced Dream Group run by the Dream Network at St Luke's Church Centre in Newmarket on the 3rd Monday evening of the month. Further information from Margaret Bowater.
- Read at least 2 more books about dreams from the recommended booklist, and write a one-page review of each one, outlining what you learned from reading it. Aim for two different approaches. Books may be borrowed from the Dream Library.
- Do a small piece of research on a topic about dreams that interests you, and present it to the Advanced Group (for about half an hour, with discussion); eg, a specific approach to dreaming such as ethnic, religious, Jungian, Gestalt, Mindell; lucid dreams; paranormal dreams; sleep cycle; dreams in depression; near-death visions etc. Another option is to analyse the themes in your own dreams over about a year, and write a one-page reflection on what you learned.
- Attend at least 2 or more 202 workshops: (3hrs each) Supervised skill-practise.
- Fee $30 By the last of these, demonstrate your skills with dreamwork, and present your Record of Requirements completed to be awarded the part 2 certificate.
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